Genesis Dental

General DentistryWhat to Eat After Teeth Whitening
Coffee with a tooth drawn as latte art suggesting it will affect teeth whitening longevity

What to Eat After Teeth Whitening

Bland, pale foods such as plain yoghurt, apples, bananas, and turkey are some of the best foods to eat after teeth whitening.

Over the past decade, I’ve seen teeth whitening transform hundreds of smiles and I love seeing the immediate difference it makes in my patients’ confidence. However, it is important to carefully consider what you eat after teeth whitening.

In this guide, we’ll look at the best things to eat after teeth whitening – and what to avoid – to get the best brightening results.

Quick Summary

  • Wait at least 48 hours after teeth whitening to eat normally
  • Avoid drinking coffee and other highly pigmented beverages for a minimum of 48 hours after teeth whitening
  • The best foods to eat after teeth whitening include bland or pale foods such as yoghurt, pears, bananas, and white bread, known as the White Diet
  • Foods to avoid after teeth whitening include highly-pigmented foods such as berries, tomatoes, turmeric
  • It is also important to avoid highly acidic or sugary foods after teeth whitening as they can cause irritation
  • Water is the best option to drink after teeth whitening, but milk and herbal teas  are also acceptable options
  • Regular dental checkups and a good oral hygiene routine will help maximise the longevity of your teeth whitening results

How Long After Teeth Whitening Can I Eat Normally?

Professional teeth whitening treatment temporarily makes enamel more porous. This lasts approximately 24 to 48 hours after treatment. When exposed to pigments during this time, the enamel may absorb the colour and stain freshly whitened teeth.

For a minimum of 48 hours after teeth whitening, I advise my patient to only consume foods and drinks that are bland and pale. This approach is often called “the white diet” and helps prevent stains and maximise your whitening results

For the best whitening results, I recommend following the white diet for a full week after your teeth whitening treatment.

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How Long After Teeth Whitening Can I Drink Coffee?

I understand coffee is a big concern after teeth whitening. It might be what I’m asked about most when my patients are wondering what to eat and what to avoid after teeth whitening.

After teeth whitening, I recommend waiting a minimum of 48 hours before drinking coffee. However, I recommend waiting at least a week before drinking coffee after teeth whitening for the best results.

Foods to Eat After Teeth Whitening

The big rule in the first 48 hours after teeth whitening is opting for foods and drinks that are light in colour and bland. This ‘white diet’ is the best way to avoid staining and maximise your whitening results.

Here is a list of some of the best foods to eat after teeth whitening:

Egg Whites

Egg whites are an excellent choice after teeth whitening, as their light colour ensures they won’t stain your newly brightened smile.


Bananas are safe to consume post-whitening due to their pale colour and low acidity, minimising any risk of staining.

White Rice

Eating white rice after your treatment poses no staining risk, thanks to its light hue and neutral properties.


Oatmeal, being light-coloured and gentle on the teeth, is suitable for consumption following teeth whitening.

White Bread with the Crust Cut Off

Opting for white bread without the crust can prevent potential staining, making it a safe option after whitening.


Mayonnaise is unlikely to discolour your teeth post-whitening, given its light colour and non-staining ingredients.


Turkey meat, being light in colour and low in staining compounds, is appropriate to eat after whitening procedures.


Chicken is a safe protein choice following teeth whitening, as it doesn’t contribute to staining.


Plain bagels, especially without dark toppings, are generally safe to eat after teeth whitening.

Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is suitable for consumption post-whitening, as its light colour won’t affect your teeth.

White Pasta

White pasta is a non-staining option that can be enjoyed after teeth whitening treatments.


White fish varieties are safe to eat following teeth whitening due to their light colour.


Tofu, being light-coloured and non-staining, is appropriate for consumption after whitening.

White Onion

Consuming white onions, especially when cooked, can be gentle on your teeth and are acceptable after whitening.

Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are safe to eat post-whitening, but it’s advisable to avoid sweet potatoes to be cautious.

Plain Yoghurt

Plain yoghurt, with its light colour, is unlikely to stain your teeth and is safe to consume after whitening.


Peeled apples can be eaten after teeth whitening; however, it’s best to avoid the skin to prevent any staining.

White Pasta Sauces

White pasta sauces are suitable for post-whitening meals, as they don’t contain staining ingredients.


Peeled pears are safe to consume after whitening due to their light flesh and low acidity.


Cucumbers are an acceptable choice post-whitening, as they are light in colour and won’t stain your teeth.


Peeled zucchini is safe to eat after teeth whitening, thanks to its non-staining, light-coloured flesh.


Cauliflower is unlikely to cause staining and is safe to consume following teeth whitening.

White Cheese, such as Feta Cheese or String Cheese

White cheeses are acceptable to eat post-whitening, as they lack staining pigments.

Saltine Crackers

Saltine crackers are a safe snack after teeth whitening, given their light colour and non-staining nature.

Foods to Avoid After Teeth Whitening

Anything brightly coloured or highly pigmented should be avoided for 48 hours minimum after teeth whitening treatment.

Along with avoiding highly coloured foods, I also recommend steering clear of sugary or overly acidic foods. Foods high in sugar, such as candies, or acidic foods like lemons can cause discomfort and irritation after teeth whitening.

Here are examples of what foods to avoid after teeth whitening:

Dark or Staining Spices (Curry Powder, Cinnamon, Paprika, and Turmeric)

These spices have intense pigments that can easily stain your teeth, so it’s best to avoid them after whitening.

Dark Sauces (Tomato Sauce, Soy Sauce, Balsamic Vinegar Dressing, BBQ Sauce, Red Vinaigrette)

Dark sauces are known for their rich colours and acidity, which can contribute to staining your freshly whitened teeth.

Berries and Other Dark Fruits

Berries like blueberries, blackberries, and cherries contain strong pigments that may discolour your teeth post-whitening.


Chocolate’s dark colour and sugar content can lead to staining, making it wise to skip it after your whitening treatment.

Lollies, Candies, Caramels, Cakes, and Other Sugary Foods

Sugary foods can promote staining and decay, potentially diminishing the effects of your teeth whitening.

Dark Vegetables and Fruits, Such as Tomatoes

Tomatoes and similar dark-coloured produce can stain teeth due to their vivid hues and acidic nature.

Acidic Foods, Such as Pickles, Soda, Beer, Citrus Fruits, etc.

Acidic foods can erode tooth enamel, making your teeth more susceptible to stains and sensitivity after whitening.

Foods Containing Dyes

Items with artificial colouring or dyes can easily stain your teeth, so it’s advisable to avoid them post-whitening.

Red Pistachios

Red pistachios are dyed and can leave a red residue on your teeth, potentially causing stains.

Jams and Jellies

These spreads often contain concentrated fruit colours and sugars that can contribute to tooth staining.


Mustard’s strong colour and staining potential make it a food to steer clear of after teeth whitening.

Black Beans

Black beans have dark pigments that may lead to staining, so it’s best to avoid them following your treatment.

What to Drink After Teeth Whitening

Along with considering the best foods to eat after teeth whitening, I also recommend knowing what to drink after teeth whitening.

Water is my number one recommendation for what to drink after teeth whitening. It’s good for your health and helps rinse away food particles to prevent stains.

Along with water, here are other drinks that are suitable after teeth whitening:

  • Milk
  • Herbal tea

While some dentists say clear soft drinks are fine to drink after teeth whitening treatment, I do not recommend it.

Although soft drinks are clear, their high acid and sugar content are bad for overall oral health and can cause irritation after whitening treatments. Limit or avoid soft drinks after teeth whitening treatments for best results.

What Drinks to Avoid After Teeth Whitening

Highly pigmented drinks can cause staining on newly whitened teeth, leading to decreased results.

Here are drinks to avoid after teeth whitening for a minimum of 48 hours (but I recommend at least a week):

  • Coffee, especially black coffee
  • Black tea, green tea or other dark teas
  • Beer
  • Red wine
  • Cranberry juice
  • Grape juice
  • Colas
  • Tomato juice

If you choose to drink pigmented beverages after teeth whitening, consider drinking through a straw and rinsing your mouth with water afterward.

Tips to Maintain Teeth Whitening Results

Teeth whitening does not give permanent results but there are ways to maintain your brighter smile for as long as possible.

Here are tips I recommend to maintain your teeth whitening results:

  • Drink enough water every day
  • Brush your teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle, circular motions
  • Floss daily
  • Attend regular dental checkups, at least twice a year or as recommended by your dentist
  • Limiting sugary and acidic drinks and foods as they can weaken enamel and give it a yellowish appearance
  • Schedule touch-up whitening treatments as recommended by your dentist
  • Avoid smoking and tobacco products
  • Rinse with water after consuming coffee, tea, colas, beer, wine, or other staining foods and beverages

Learn More: How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

Transform Your Smile and Confidence With Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening treatment is an effective way to noticeably whiten your smile but it is important to be mindful of what you eat afterward to get the best results.

Stick to the ‘white diet’, avoid coffee and highly pigmented foods and drinks, and avoid tobacco products for 48 hours to a week after teeth whitening.

If you have questions about what to eat after teeth whitening or want to book teeth whitening treatment with our exceptional team, we are here to help.

We offer a range of cosmetic dentistry treatments, including professional teeth whitening. We’re here to help you enjoy your healthiest, brightest smile.

Serene Ong

- Dr. Serene Ong -

Dentist at Genesis Dental

Dr. Serene Ong proudly obtained her Bachelor of Dental Science from University of Western Australia in 2012. She envisions it as a fundamental right for all, with an unwavering belief that every individual deserves access to oral health education. Gaining most of her experience in country private practice, she prioritises staying up to date on the latest advances in dentistry by attending continuing education courses.